Nominační kritérie na MSJ a MED 2012
Jsou zveřejněna schválená nominační kritéria na Mistrovství světa juniorů a Mistrovství Evropy dorostu 2012, které se budou konat v Sumy na Ukrajině v posledním únorovém týdnu.
Počet komentářů: 1
Publikováno 10. 12. 2011, autor Milan Venhoda

od Punam @ 25. 3. 2015 14:52
fuck OCK even tho I like Durant & Westbrook .so I needed a team & chose the clripeps when they got Cp3 cause they remind me of my old Sonics CP3 throwing oops is like Gary Payton & Blake Griffin is kinda just like Shawn Kemp .then Stern turned down the Lakers so they couldn't get CP3 I was like yes I'm down even tho CP3 is a free agent he would be nutty buddy to leave that squad .as for those Eagles lmao yeah McNabb's favorite target was the ground & the only reason they got to the Super Bowl was T.O. then they got rid of him & aint been back or shit since so good for them ..I felt ya paint cause it's fuck all things Boston/New England with me lol
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